• 24/06/2020

Three Sixty donates funds to support charitable community projects

Brinnington Pantry

As a Stockport-based construction and property management company, we are proud to have donated £273k our 2019/20 surplus’ to SKylight, a charitable community benefit society.

SKylight works closely with the people of Stockport to help transform lives of people in the community via projects including:

  • A network of social supermarkets called Your Local Pantry which helps tackle food poverty and social isolation
  • Proving accommodation and intensive support to people who are homeless, to get them back on their feet
  • Furniture recycling, collecting good quality furniture and gifting it to households in need to make their house into a home

This donation has already helped make a positive impact during the current Covid-19 crisis by contributing funding to Your Local Pantry, a food membership scheme run by SKylight. Members of the Pantry pay a £3.50 weekly fee to access food worth approximately £15 to £20. During March and April the Pantries were visited 719 times and the team delivered 1,600 food parcels to Stockport residents who couldn’t leave their home.

Founded in 2016, the team at Three Sixty have worked on many construction projects across Greater Manchester. Their current projects include the Offerton master plan project for Stockport Council’s stock of housing in Offerton.

Roger Phillips

“We’re delighted that Three Sixty have made a substantial donation which will help the community. It’s a challenging time for everyone in the charitable sector and this support from local businesses is a great example of how Greater Manchester companies and individuals are pulling together to overcome this.

- Roger Phillips, Chair of the Board of SKylight

"We were very proud to be able to make this donation. Every Three Sixty colleague has worked hard to make the business a success, knowing that everything we do is for the community. 40% of our staff live in Stockport with many more living in Greater Manchester and they know people who use the services of SKylight. We’re pleased that we have established ourselves as a ‘profit for purpose’ company which is unique for the construction and property management sector. As we extend our services, we hope to increase our donations in future years."

- David Wright, Chair of the Board of Three Sixty